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All escorts in Beirut / Goddess Medusa

Hottie Goddess Medusa available on the best escort directory

Goddess Medusa
+961 81 945 33424 hour
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Goddess Medusa is one of the best escort girls Beirut has in store

Call girl escort service from Goddess Medusa, +961 81 945 334

Sex with Beirut sexy girl Goddess Medusa (call 24 hours, +961 81 945 334)

VIP treatment from 35 year-old elite escort Goddess Medusa

Elite model from Beirut: Goddess Medusa with photos and reviews

Euro escort girl: age: 35, weight: 55 kg, height: 165 cm

Age: 35
Height: 165
Weight: 55
Bust size: Medium

Nationality: Greek

1 hour: 300
2 hours:
All night:
Outcall: Yes
Goddess I'm Medusa Gorgons Goddess and I like to welcome you to my website! Www. medusagorgons. com I am a very experienced Greek-Lebanese Dominatrix. Over the years I have obtained an excellent reputation as a professional goddess in the entire Middle East. My sessions take place in a very discreet and safe location with a vast collection of tools and equipment. They vary from a very mild session without any pain all the way to sessions with extreme pain and everything in between. As a born queen, with a sharp and creative mind, I take great pleasure in pushing your boundaries bringing out your darkest desires!

Time to call: anytime

Last updated: 11.10.20
Ad number: 693392

My escort services:
Vaginal sex
Oral sex
Anal sex
Recieve cunnilingus
Oral without a condom
Erotic massage
Light BDSM
Sex with couples
Lesbian sex
Give cunnilingus
Role play
Toys / Dildos
Golden shower
Reviews and comments:
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